Nyack Phone & Drone Film Festival
Hotel Nyack

Featuring films produced at least 50% with phones and drones.

NPDFF proudly accepts entries via FilmFreeway, the world's #1 way to enter film festivals and creative contests.

Welcome to our 1st Nyack Phone & Drone Film Festival featuring films at least 50% produced with smart phones or drone footage. Nyack Phone & Drone Film Festival or NPDFF is a new festival initiated by the people who bring you the Nyack International Film Festival and is dedicated to educating audiences and empowering filmmakers and companies around the world to tell their stories with the use of drones. Amateur, professional, students and companies worldwide are invited to enter their films or photographs. Our mission is to help educate the public about the many positive and beneficial ways phones and drones are being used to better society and capture the panoramic beauty of our planet.

The NPDFF provides a platform for aerial filmmakers to showcase their work (shot anywhere in the world), emphasizing innovative flight technique, aesthetic beauty, compelling stories and more. The NPDFF program is hand selected by a jury made up of local professionals, creative, media and technical professionals as well as established drone cinematographers.

The First Nyack Phone & Drone Film Festival kicks off on August 25th as filmmakers and photographers from all over the world converge in Nyack, New York, to showcase their stunning drone work across a variety of categories in front of an enthusiastic audience. The films and photos featured in the festival will leave you in awe. Category winners will receive awards!

NPDFF 2024 runs Friday, August 23rd through Saturday, August 24th at the Fabulous Hotel Nyack! Hotel Nyack, is the perfect setting for a superb film festival experience! Come early, the hotel features the restaurant FARM, 3 bars, with 1 outside by the pool. Contact Hotel Nyack for overnight accommodations, 845.675.8700, or visit their website..

For more information: Email Us.